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  • Writer's pictureHerhim Zodiacs

12 Zodiac Houses - Where Things Pop Off

The 12 Zodiac Houses reveal where things take place in an individual's birth chart. For example, a person can have a Cancer Sun Sign in the 3rd House. If this placement exists, that person will show a Cancer's personality. However, unlike the typical shy Cancer, the 3rd House will make this individual very socially expressive with strong verbal skills.


Scroll Down for the (12) Zodiac Houses.


"House of Self"

Ruling Zodiac: Aries

Ruling Planet: Mars

  • Self-confidence

  • Approach to life

  • Independence

  • Your potential

  • Ascendant (Rising) Sign (Is always located here)

  • Physical Appearance

  • Fashion Style

  • Self-expression

  • Rules the head, face & body

  • Self-image

  • Physical Energy

  • Bravery

  • Early childhood

  • Demeanor

  • Pioneer spirit

  • Strong self-identity

A 1st House Stellium tends to have a pioneering & fearless spirit. Can appear to be self-centered.


#2ndhouse #2ndhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Values & Possessions"

Ruling Zodiac: Taurus

Ruling Planet: Venus

  • Possessions

  • Property

  • Real Estate

  • Partnerships

  • Resources

  • Values

  • Expenses

  • Personal finances

  • Money

  • Income

  • Influences how one attracts money

  • Assets

  • Ownership

  • Material possessions

  • Beauty

  • Stability

  • Romance

  • Aesthetics

  • Self-esteem

  • Business

  • Routines

A 2nd House Stellium tends to reveal strong attractions to possessions. Can appear to be too attached to partnerships.


#3rdhouse #3rdhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Communications"

Ruling Zodiac: Gemini

Ruling Planet: Mercury

  • Communication Style (verbal, text or written)

  • Short trips

  • Siblings

  • Interaction w/ peers, co-workers & classmates

  • Mind

  • Local Community

  • Networking

  • Transportation

  • Speech

  • Neighbors

  • Intelligence

  • Conversations

  • Thought process

  • Friends

  • School

  • Learning style

  • Early education

  • Self - expression

A 3rd House Stellium can reveal a very magnetic communication style. Can appear to be drawn to gossip.


#4thhouse #4thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Home, Family & Foundations"

Ruling Zodiac: Cancer

Ruling Planet: The Moon

  • Foundations

  • Home Life

  • Privacy

  • Family Roots

  • Traditions

  • Motherhood

  • Relationship with mother

  • Heritage

  • Real Estate

  • Rules chest & breasts

  • Grandparents

  • Property Land

  • Security

  • Family Upbringing

  • Children

  • Nurturing

A 4th House Stellium can reveal a strong connection to home life & upbringings. Can appear to be drawn to following traditions.


#5thhouse #5thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Creativity, Romance & Pleasures"

Ruling Zodiac: Leo

Ruling Planet: The Sun

  • Creativity

  • Sexuality

  • Affairs & Flings

  • Pleasures

  • Drama

  • Arts

  • Playful Energy

  • Romantic Life

  • Self-expression

  • Hobbies

  • Fun

  • Fulfillments

  • Relationships

  • Confidence

  • Ego

  • Poetry

A 5th House Stellium can reveal a strong sense of self-expression. Can appear bossy or controlling.


#6thhouse #6thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Health, Service & Work Life"

Ruling Zodiac: Virgo

Ruling Planet: Mercury

  • Health

  • Daily Routines

  • Illness

  • Problem Solver

  • Pets

  • Jobs

  • Workaholics

  • Organizing ways

  • Fitness

  • Rules the stomach

  • Hygiene

  • Possessiveness

  • Responsibilities

  • Discipline

  • Hypochondria

A 6th House Stellium can reveal a strong desire to solve problems. Can appear to be a worrier.


#7thhouse #7thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Love & Relationships "

Ruling Zodiac: Libra

Ruling Planet: Venus

  • Romance

  • Love

  • Pleasures

  • Partnerships

  • Family

  • Communications

  • Charm

  • Elegance

  • Beauty

  • Business Relationships

  • Balance

  • Marriage

  • Friendships

  • Commitments

  • Attractions

A 7th House Stellium can reveal an attractive & popular individual. Can appear to be indecisive.


#8thhouse #8thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Transformations, Death & Sexuality"

Ruling Zodiac: Scorpio

Ruling Planet: Pluto

  • Mysteries

  • Sexuality

  • Shared Wealth

  • Shared Property

  • Legacy

  • Deep Bonding

  • Secrets

  • Taboos

  • Research

  • All Transformations

  • Psychic Abilities

  • Spying

  • Occult

  • Death

  • Endings

  • Supernatural

  • Obsessions

  • Intensity

  • Old Souls

  • Karma

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Seduction

  • Deep Focus

A 8th House Stellium can reveal a highly intuitive person. Can appear to be obsessive.


#9thhouse #9thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Philosophy & Higher Knowledge"

Ruling Zodiac: Sagittarius

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

  • Philosophy

  • Wisdom

  • Good Luck

  • Wealth & Fortune

  • Higher Learning

  • Long distance travels

  • Religion

  • Morals

  • Spirituality

  • Law

  • Research

  • Universal Thinking

  • Expansions

  • Foreign

  • Teachers

  • Professors

  • Writing

  • In-Laws

A 9th House Stellium can reveal highly inquisitive person. Can appear to be an advocate.


#10thhouse #10thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Social Status"

Ruling Zodiac: Capricorn

Ruling Planet: Saturn

  • Career

  • Fame

  • Public Image or Reputation

  • Father Figure

  • Authorities

  • Success

  • Career Achievements

  • Professions

  • Your Life Path

  • Legacy

  • How one appears in public

  • Social Media Influence

  • Worldview

  • Expertise

  • Recognition

A 10th House Stellium can reveal a well-respected status. Can appear intimidating.


#11thhouse #11thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Friendships & Liberations"

Ruling Zodiac: Aquarius

Ruling Planet: Uranus

  • Friendships

  • Community

  • Group interactions

  • Clubs

  • Rebel

  • Unique Thinker

  • Nontraditional Ways

  • Humanitarian Work

  • Awareness

  • Technology

  • Social Media Influence

  • Future Endeavors

  • Social Causes

  • Social Life

  • Innovations

  • Revolutionary

  • Freedom

A 11th House Stellium can reveal a very unique influencer. Can appear to be confrontational & direct.


#12thhouse #12thhousestellium #zodiachouses

"House of Spirituality, Karma & Healing"

Ruling Zodiac: Pisces

Ruling Planet: Neptune

  • Hidden Talents

  • Everything Hidden

  • Spirituality

  • Psychic Abilities

  • Escape

  • Old Souls

  • Addictions

  • Seclusion

  • Secrets

  • Mysteries

  • Healing

  • Past Lives

  • Endings

  • Closures

  • Afterlife

  • Dreams

  • Intuition

  • Hidden Enemies

  • Self-Undoing

  • Solitude

  • Karma

  • Old Age

  • Mental Hospitals

  • Hospitals

  • Institutions

A 12th House Stellium can reveal a spiritual healer. Can appear distant.


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1st House

5th House

9th House

2nd House

6th House

10th House

3rd House

7th House

11th House

4th House

8th House

12th House


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